Institute for Tolerance Studies

Diversity Resource Guide


Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression;

in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be a spirit of tolerance in the entire population.

Albert Einstein


Diversity Resource Guide


religion, culture and antisemitism

a 501-c-3 non-profit organization


Digital Resources

100s of Primary resources

From films to online books, audio & more


Santa Fe Distinguished Lecture Series

Webinars with leading writers & scholars



Explore, enrich, educate, entertain

from a story by Joseph Skibell to public policy by Dennis Ross


Deborah Lipstadt current U.S. Department of State Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism

spoke to the

Santa Fe Distinguished Lecture Series

and she emphasized:

As we see this new wave of racism, hatred, and antisemitism in our country, we confront it as intolerance that undermines the fabric of our society.

Not accepting the Other is a problem on both the political right and left: from White supremacist demonstrators in Charl ottesville to mainstream enablers of antisemitism,
to a gay pride march in Chicago that expelled a group of women for carrying a Star of David banner.

When newsreels depicting the depredations of the Holocaust wereshown in movie theaters to a horrified American public im- mediately after World War II,
it was believed that the antisemitism that was part of the fabric of American culture in the 1920s and 1930s was finally going to be laid to rest.

And then the unthinkable began to happen. The re-emergence of the white nationalist movement in America, complete with Nazi slogans and imagery, has brought to mind the fascist displays of the 1930s.
Where is all this hatred coming from?

Is there any significant difference between left-wing and right- wing hatred of the Other?
And what can be done to combat this latest manifestation of ancient hatred?

Respect, Understanding, Coexistence

Digital Resources


Scan the QR code to access

ITS Digital Resources

Digital Resources include films, documents, and audio materials on diversity, religion and culture, antisemitism, and other matters in today’s world. These Resources are designed for secondary and college education, adult learning, and continuing education.

On Demand Films

Select from among the   150 short documentaries and filmed talks on history and diversity on the Jewish Learning Channel on You- Tube.

Guides to Religion and Culture

See complete online texts on Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism among others.

Documents on Diversity

Digital Resources include complete online documents on diversity, religion, antisemitism, and other related issues.


Listen to songs, prayers and other audio materials from Sephardic and Ashkenazi traditions and others.

Digital Resources - On Demand Films

Examples of the more than 150 films

Films on Racism and Civil Rights

Let My People Go

Gives the history of Jews and Blacks against racism in the American South.

Rosenwald School, Cave Springs, GA

Julius Rosenwald & Booker T. Washington built more than 5,000 schools for Black children  across the South

Films on the Holocaust


Eva Schloss, stepsister of Anne Frank
Eva Schloss tells about her life under the Nazis in Auschwitz

Auschwitz Survivor Ted Lehman

Ted Lehman tells his story of being taken to Auschwitz as a 16-year-old slave laborer & how he escaped to live


Avinoam Patt, Heroes and Martyrs of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Prof. Patt gives the history of the revolt against the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto

Films on Antisemitism


The Essence of Nazi Antisemitism
Prof. Patterson talks about the history of anti-semi- tism and dehumanizing the Other.


Blood Libel Myth and Antisemitism
This is the history of the origins of the Blood Libel Myth in England at Norwich.

Films on Diversity in New Mexico


Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernandez
Congresswoman Leger talks about social justice for descendants of Spanish Jews & all people.


My Story of Jewish Santa Fe - Marian Silver
Marian Silver talks about growing up Jewish in Santa Fe and gives a brief history of her family.

Films on Middle East Conflict and Peace

Dennis Ross on U.S. Middle East Policy from Truman to Trump

Talk on Middle East policy event of the Santa Fe Middle East Watch

Matti Friedman on Israel, Hamas and the Media


Former AP reporter Matti Friedman talks about news coverage in the Middle East conflict. Event of the Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival.

Santa Fe Distinguished Lecture Series

Webinars of interest. Information on more than 30 others at

2022-2023 Webinars Fall 2022


Irwin Cotler on The Threat of Antisemitism Today Dec. 11

Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Center. Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to eliminate racism and genocide. Former Minister of Justice in Canada.


Alma Gottlieb on Africa across the Seder Table Nov. 6

Former President of the Society for Humanistic Anthropology on Cape Verdeans exploring their mixed history as Catholics and Jews.


David Kertzer on The Pope at War Sept. 18

Pulitzer Prize winning author David Kertzer talks about Pope Pius XII and the relationship of the Ro- man Catholic Church with Fascists & Nazis during World War II based on research in the Vatican archives.

2021-2022 Summer


Richard Kogan on Creativity and Genius in the Music of Gershwin

Live Performance. August 4, 2022

Dr. Richard Kogan gives a concert/lecture on Ger shwin, his masterpieces and life long struggle with psychological issues.


Gal Beckerman on The Quiet Before: Unexpected Origins of Radical Movements

The history of social movements and how social media has changed their formation and impact today.

2021-2022 Spring

Jeremy Viedlinger, Pogroms of 1918-21 Foreshadowing the Holocaust

Between 1918 and 1921, over a hundred thousand Jews were murdered in Ukraine by peasants, towns- men, and soldiers who blamed the Jews for the tur moil of the Russian Revolution.


David Patterson on The Essence of Nazi Antisemitism
Prof. Patterson talks about the history of antisemi- tism and how it became a central tenet of Nazism.


Nathaniel Deutsch on Ukraine and the Pale of Settlement
Prof. Deutsch talks about the history of the Pale of Settlement, the development of the Hasidic move ment, and the Ansky expedition to document life in the shtetl.


Asher Susser on Israel, Jordan, the Palestinians & the Middle East

Prof. Susser of Tel Aviv University talks about Israel and the conflict with its neighbors.

Ilan Stavans on What Makes Jewish Literature ‘Jewish’?


Ilan Stavans, winner of the National Jewish Book Award talks about the multilingual and transnational quality of Jewish literature.

See for dozens of additional talks.


Examples of Publications

For more information

Min Kantrowitz, Aamna Nayyar, Victoria Reder


Three Paths, One God:

Traditional Scriptures & New Prayers

Jewish, Christian, Muslim. Scripture, liturgy, and contemporary prayer. Three women, each following her faith, praying and seeking, marking times of our days, pursuing sacred paths toward God.


Orit Rabkin, Emma Lazarus: Sephardic Woman of Letters

With her famous words, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” Emma Lazarus created the compassionate welcome for millions of immigrants on the Statue of Liberty in the New York harbor.


Ted Lehman, Defying Odds

Lehman was a teen-age slave laborer in Auschwitz, and he describes the sabotage and resistence against the Nazis by his group of workers, who were marched daily to a nearby Krupp armaments factory where they produced large artillery for the German army.


Isabelle Medina Sandoval, Guardians of Hidden Traditions

Medina Sandoval writes about the New Mexico history of her family as hidden Jews retaining their traditions in northern New Mexico.


501-c-3 non-profit organization

Institute for Tolerance Studies

programs monthly reach 1000s of viewers world-wide

on matters of diversity, religion & antisemitism

Making education & learning accessible & entertaining


Donations are tax deductible

as permitted by law.

Donations pay for these programs which we offer freely to people across New Mexico, the United States and the world.

We thank the supporters who make it possible.

For more information

Ron Duncan Hart, Ph.D Director


The Institute for Tolerance Studies Programs are made possible in part with support from the New Mexico Humanities Council.

Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these programs do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities or the New Mexico Humanities Council.

Institute for Tolerance Studies
